Saturday, January 19, 2013

This past week in my Family Relations class, we watched a very interesting documentary on how the fertility rate in many countries has declined.  Definitely worth your time watching. There is the assumption that populations will always grow. This is false. One may assume that the choice in having children or how many does not affect anyone except your own personal life. Real Estate, immigration, retirement, human capital, your future children/grand children are just some factors affected by this choice. Some key words to know:
1.) Population: "Total of people living in a region."
2.) Birth Rate: "Births per thousand people born in a population during a year."
3.) Fertility Rate: "Average number of children born over the life time of the average woman."
I would love any feedback regarding the documentaries. Please comment and let me know what you think. What are some possible solutions to the decrease in fertility? 
(Part I Documentary: "New Economic Reality: Demographic Winter")
(Part II Documentary: "New Economic Reality: Demographic Winter")

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