Saturday, February 16, 2013

"Marry not who you date, but how you date"

 "Practice how you would play"
So, this past week we learned about the wonderful world of dating! I think my professor intentionally planned this lesson around Valentine's day. Yeah, who knows..That's just Breanna Crabtree's guess! Anyways, it nonetheless was a very fun and interesting discussion. Below are some fun things I learned this past week:
The Five Functions of Dating:
1.) Recreation
2.) Intimacy & companionship
3.) Mate selection
4.) Status attainment
5.) Socialization

Here's a formula pertaining to dating: "Know-Quo"~A formula on how well you know someone
1.) Time~You begin to know the person not until 3-6 months.
2.) Togetherness~Shared activities
3.) Talk~mutual self-disclosure (ex: "This is how I feel...I like...")
What would be some fun/simple/effective dates involving the formula "know-quo"?
Dating Means:
1.) Paid for.
2.) Planned. Way more fun! Less likely to get into "trouble".
3.) Paired off. You're practicing commitment.

1 comment:

  1. Breanna!

    Thanks for the post my dear! I can for sure attest to this! I didn't know Ryan well until about mid-way thru his mission, and learning how to communicate is a BIG thing! Though, sometimes the best dates aren't always paid for. You just have to know the area where you are and you can be SUPER creative. :)
