Friday, March 8, 2013

Good things come from challenges

Resilience: "Springing back into shape, recovering strength, spirits quickly" (Webster's New World Dictionary, p. 509).

As children of God, we have been placed into loving families--with parents and siblings who are there to support and love us. Throughout our life here on Earth, we will come upon stressful experiences which can lead to increased anxiety and worry for the future well being of the family. At some point in our life we may ask, "Why do we need to experience crisis in our life? Why can't life be stress free?" Because we have a Heavenly Father who loves us SO much~He created difficulties so that we might rise above our natural tendencies and rise to our divine potential. There is nothing Heavenly Father will make us go through that is beyond our capacity to bear. As it says in 1 Corinthians 10:13, "But God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it". We can put our trust in His son, Jesus Christ, to help  us when we cannot do it on our own.
         If we practice resilience, we will become more confident and comfortable when stress hits. We need to learn to let our children struggle and manage through some challenges on their own. They may feel stretched and find it impossible, but they will learn. We want our children to learn and not fully rely on others for help. There are going to be "pre-stress" events that will happen on a regular basis in your family. It is by going through these experiences, (scripture study/prayer), that brings stress but in outcome brings us together. "The best coping is not getting through it, but getting better". At times, we may experience what is known as "pile-up" crisis, which is when crisis upon crisis hits. Making it unpleasant, BUT good things come from it. Stress can allow for us to draw together and cope with one another--making it a positive and strong outcome. As we use stress as an opportunity, our experiences strengthen our capacity to face greater challenges down the road. What many fail to recognize is that there are plenty of resource to draw from when facing a crisis. Whether you know it or not, YOU have the resources to make it work. Learn to be wise and notice the resources you can draw from. Apply these resources. When we fail to do so, it's like having a huge amount of money in the bank, and not knowing it's there! Don't be like that. Think smart! Here are some possible resources my class and I came up with:
-The Priesthood
-Good memories/Positive recollection of relationship
-Coping ahead. Anticipate challenges and make decisions to pull together resources.
-Faith, prayer, fasting.
-Back up fund
-Food storage/Bishop's store house
-Humanitarian aid

Here is a good formula that can help amid crisis:

Actual events--different outcomes but similar events
Both resources and responses
Cognition-The way we think of the crisis, at present and in the future.

{Recognize that these challenges are not an opportunity to stumble/fall, but are opportunities to progress.}

Be mindful. Be aware of thoughts in your mind.
Choose how YOU will react to these stressful situations.
Ask yourself:
*Does the experience define me, or do I define the experience?

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